Who we are

Enborne River Valley Preservation Society (ERVPS)

History & Overview:

“Keep Wash Water Rural” was originally set up in late 2020 as a result of an application by Bewley Homes to include Common Farm as a potential site for 434 new homes (EW008) as part of Basingstoke and Deane’s Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).  Over 30 responses were provided by members of “Keep Wash Water Rural” and it has since been learnt that EW008 will not be included in the SHELAA, which of course is the correct decision and very much welcomed.  However, the non-inclusion of EW008 on the SHELAA did not deter Bewley Homes in progressing their proposal and in the summer of this year they launched a marketing campaign under the heading of the “Watermill Bridge Development”.  This marketing campaign has now morphed into an Outline planning application 21/03394/OUT for up to 350 dwellings; demolition of Common Farm and associated agricultural buildings together with Full planning application for the first phase of residential development including 90 dwellings.

In order to provide a robust and well organised campaign against this unsuitable planning application (and others that may follow) it has been decided to form a new society, called the Enborne River Valley Preservation Society (ERVPS) that clearly reflects the current objectives and activities of the society and to set up a bank account that will enable us to raise funds and purchase materials and expertise to ensure a successful campaign that protects the current environment.

Objectives and Key Activities:

  • Protection and enhancement of rural land adjacent to the Enborne River Valley on the border between Hampshire and West Berkshire.

  • Campaign against and formally object to inappropriate developments that will or could impact the Enborne River Valley natural environment or its residents’ best interests.
  • Provide a focal point for members and local residents with respect to making them aware of potential and actual planning applications that will or could impact the Enborne River Valley natural environment.

  • Creating and updating a dedicated website. Keep members / local residents informed via newsletters (including news provide by other local groups) together with ad-hoc alerts / updates when required.

  • Open an Enborne River Valley Preservation Society (ERVPS) bank account to raise contributions and to make purchases required for campaigns / formal objections to inappropriate planning applications.

  • The society is a not-for-profit organisation and any surplus funds will be returned equitably to those who have made monetary contributions 

ERVPS Organisation Structure

ERVPS is non-political, not for profit organisation open to and representing all of those who have an interest and desire to protect and enhance the River Enborne River Valley.

ERVPS will be run by a committee of 5 volunteers.

Meetings involving all supporters of the Society and the general public will be arranged and held as and when required.