Donations request..
We introduce The Enborne River Valley Preservation Society (ERVPS).
This is the name of our proposed Community Interest Company. This will make us an official entity as we will now move forward to handling money and paying bills. The nature of a CIC is non profit and this official level will help us achieve maximum reach for the greatest impact not only to the fight against Watermill Bridge but any other inappropriate development that may be proposed in the future. All funds raised will only be used for the benefit of the environment, biodiversity and the well-being of the Enborne River Catchment.
Now, how about the money…
Good planning experts are not cheap and cheap planning experts are not good. We have interviewed a number of companies and individuals who are willing to help us and to represent our group and we believe we have found the expert that we wish to employ. Our initial cost expectation for this is going to be between £2500 and £3000 and therefore we are at the point were we require funding.
If you would like to make a donation, please contact us at Once we have created the CIC and the official capacity of The Enborne River Valley Preservation Society there will be easy avenues to make donations, such as links via our website and Go Fund me pages.
For now, please do not hesitate to speak to Paul our treasurer as there are still ways to make donations today.